Thursday, June 23, 2011


Emma played softball this year.  This was her first year, and she had so much fun.  She played coach pitch and had the cutest girls on her team.
She had fun playing catcher
And batting was her favorite part.  She improved so much over the season, it was great to watch her become more confided in herself and just to have fun.

This was Emma on the last day of school.  She loved 1st grade and learned so much.  She made so many friends this year and her teacher always told me that she was always so willing to help others and be nice to everyone.  She is loving summer and is excited to go to 2nd grade.
This is a picture of Emma after her gymnastics performance.  She loved gymnastics.  I as very hesitant to let her take the classes.  The thought of her doing the splits with her hips has always made me nervous, but after many reassurances from her doctor that she can do anything we signed her up.  I am so glad we did, she had so much fun and looked forward to her class every week.
As you can see there is not a picture of Emma at the dance recital.  She refused to let me take her picture.  She is so glad that dance is over and says she is done with it.  She said the same thing last year too, so we will see.
 I love this silly girl and I am so glad to have her home for the summer.


Ryan and Amber said...

Your new family picture is so adorable - did you take it somewhere in Richfield? I need to know where.

Sarah Bogh said...

Emma you are so adorable! Way to go in softball and school and everything!! Thanks so much for playing with Gracie this week she had so much fun with you and hasn't stopped talking about all the fun things you guys did together.

Emily thanks so much again, it was way fun being there!!
and your pic up on top is so cute!! I love it, you did great!!

Cami said...

i miss little emma.. such cute pictures!!
i just found your blog though leslie's (hope that is ok..) but you have a beautiful family. that picture at the top is darling! love it so much. great picture of each one of them! hope all is well. i will miss coaching emma in tumbling:( glad she liked it and hope she continues to go! take care!

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