Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

We had a great time getting trees this year. The snow was deep, but the weather was great. Allie loved being outside and spending a lot of time in her daddy's arms.

C.J was tramping around with sticks while loosing his boots in the snow. The cold never even phased him, he was in heaven out the woods. While we were driving up the mountain on a rough road, as we were going down a hill he said "this road scares my tummy". The butterflies must have gotten to him.

Allie was light enough the lay on top of the snow and look around and wonder what the heck we were doing.

All of the kids loved playing in the snow, when it was time to go they complained that they didn't want to leave all of the snow.

This is Madison taking her turn sawing the tree down. It was a lot harder than she thought it would be and after two passes she was finished.

I think this is the first year the this girl didn't ask to be packed while tree hunting. She loved playing in the snow chapped face and all.

C.J. said his favorite part was eating the snow and a smaller snowball just wouldn't cut it.
It is always such a pain to plan and get ready for a trip to get trees, but when we are done it is always worth it. The smell of the tree and the Charlie Brown style that I have come to love is a tradition at our house, and I love it.

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