Friday, December 10, 2010

Letters to Santa

Look at these cute binky babies they are the sweetest girls and since they were to young to write letters to Santa they got to play with the tightly closed markers instead.

Emma spent a lot of time on her letter making sure her letter was perfect. She colored every inch of the paper and after being told for the hundreth time that Santa will not bring a puppy to people who already have a dog, she finally agreed to a toy dog and an American Girl doll. Santa is relieved about that one for sure.

Madison's letter was also a work of art complete with original artwork and precise writing in cursive. She asked for and i pod, I just wonder when she grew out of barbies and stuffed animals, it goes way to fast.
Where are the boys you ask..Ethan and C.J. were way to busy to let me take pictures of them with their letters to Santa. C.J. asked for a scooter and legos, cars, and transformers all things boy. The letters are in the mail with the hope that they make it to the North Pole before the big day.

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