Friday, August 27, 2010

School is in session

That's right school has begun. I was not ready at all. I love having the kids home with me all day, I love going to bed late and sleeping in, but we knew it would come to an end all to quickly. Here are a few pictures of the big girls in their new duds.

Emma wasn't sure she wanted to go back, even after the first day (yesterday) she only thought it was alright, but after today she thinks it is pretty great. I think she will like it better when she has an actual class room and can eat in the lunch room. The school is under construction so for the time being her class is held in a trailer.

Madison has wanted to go back to school since summer started so she was really excited. She had had her backpack ready for weeks and couldn't sleep the night before, I remember those days, I hope she will continue to love school and learning.
Here's to a great year of school, only 2 days in and I am already feeling sleep deprived.


Sarah Bogh said...

They look SO cute!! Have a good school year ladies!!

J,B and K said...

Such cute kids! I can't believe the summer went by so fast!

Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

Wow the summer went fast What great pics of great kids. They are changing so fast.

Ryan and Amber said...

Em - I adore your cute kiddos and I told my hubby that if I ever get my dreams to come true and we move back to Rich I am going to buy your house. What's that? It's not going to be for sale? But your hubster can just build you a new one! :) Too cute!

Leslie Butler said...

I can't believe how grown up they both look! Such cute girls. I love them to pieces!

Jamie said...

Oh so cute... they are growing up so fast! Yay for Allie, Karson is the only one of mine that liked rice too...