Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finally Boating

We finally took the boat out and it just reminded me how much fun it is to play in the water. We went with my brother Trevor and his wife Alissa and their new sweet baby boy, Gavin. Toms niece Shayla and nephew Skyler also got to come with us. We went to Gunnison Res. Although the water was a nasty brown color we had a great time. The clouds threatened to rain all afternoon but it held off until we were finished.

All the kids wanted to do was stop the boat and swim or ride on the tube. The girls have turned into such little fish, they jumped off the side of the boat over and over again.

C.J. is not as brave in the water as he used to be. Sad how time makes you more afraid, but he loved riding on the boat.

I love this picture of the babies in their giant life jackets. They were both so good on the boat I think the sound and the movement made them feel like they were back in the womb. It was such a fun day.

The next day my niece Alexis was blessed by her dad. Isn't my sister gorgeous and the sweet babies are pretty cute too. It is going to be so much fun to watch these two girls grow up together.

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