Wednesday, August 4, 2010

12 mile

We have talked about it before, but we actually did it, we spent almost an entire week camping. The thought of it was pretty daunting, but we survived and even had some fun while we were at it.

This little lady was so good. She slept about 10 hours each night we were camping and was content to be toted wherever we went, she especially loved riding on the 4-wheeler. She is already an outdoor girl.

Let me paint you a picture of this moment... Madison is trying to fish and is complaining that she can't cast her pole far enough...Emma singing about who knows what while throwing rocks in the water... Jake (you can see him if you look close) is barking like crazy because he was tied up to a tree so that he would stay out of the water... Tom is fixing a tangled fishing pole, the third tangled pole... C.J. is running around and whining that his fishing pole isn't working... I am sitting on a very uncomfortable rock while Allie is screaming to get out of her car seat. I knew that I needed a picture to remember this moment, we had a great time, but we also had our moments. And after all this we never caught a fish.

Our last day of camping some of the Rasmussen cousins came to visit. We made a teeter-totter to play on at our camp site. Madison and Kaylee were having some fun on it.

This brings us to the gun, I know that it is only a BB gun, but does a 4 year old really need one? Apparently C.J. does Tom bought him a gun right after he was born, and our neighbors gave him this one, so there must be an unwritten rule about boys having guns.

Emma took a few shots then she was done

Madison on the other hand could not get enough, she wanted to shoot all the time. All I can say is watch out "Top Shot" this girl can give you a run for your money, or running for cover. We should probably make her take hunters safety.

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