Friday, March 13, 2009

Arts Festtival

This year for the PTO Arts Festival the theme was I Wonder... Madison entered in two categories, writing and photography. She got a First place ribbon for each of these. Her picture was of some horses running in a field by our house, the title was 'I wonder what it feels like to be a horse running through a field'. Her writing was titled 'I wonders what's over the Rainbow' here is what she wrote...
I Wonder what's over the Rainbow
I wonder what's over the rainbow could it be a leprechaun, a pot of gold, a unicorn, or would it be magical creatures. i wonder if you could slide down a rainbow. Slide down beautiful colors like red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, or blue. I wonder if you could go inside a rainbow, could you, would you, go inside a rainbow? I wonder if I could see a rainbow out my window on a cold rainy night. I wonder...
She had a great time getting these things ready for the arts festival. Great job Mad!

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