Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet Girl

This little lady is so much fun.  She is crazy and silly and has her moments of the encroaching terrible 2's, I actually think 2 year old's are pretty fun, it's those 3 year old's you have to watch out for...
She went to nursery without screaming bloody murder on Sunday, it was wonderful.  I watched her through the window while they were having singing time and she changed into a toddler immediately.  Watching her sit on her little square of carpet using her tiny chubby fingers to mimic the actions of the music leader, it was priceless. 
In our nursery Allie is the only girl, we are so blessed to have 'grandpa' in our nursery.  He is an amazing 80 year old, who told me on Sunday that he will be there until he dies, he just loves those kids so much.  Allie loves 'grandpa' so much she gave him a kiss as she was leaving nursery.  I hope this is a new trend.
I love this stage that she is in right now. She is big into jewelry. When I do her hair in the morning she sits on the counter and plays with baskets of necklaces and bracelets.  She picks one of each to wear.  She calls them her "nek-us and basebuts", and everything is cute.  Her clothes, her shoes, she socks, even her diapers are "tute". 
As always she is trying to keep up with her big sisters and brother.  This picture above is proof of that.  We always have a house full of animals, or children acting like animals, and she is not about to be left out.  She crawls around with her tongue hanging out pretending to be a dog.  She even caused quite a stir in the store when she was crawling down the isles barking and panting.  She is so full of it and I just can't get enough.

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