Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Belong

 Emma was so excited for this day.  Everyday of the week she kept saying "I just wish it was Saturday". She was so ready for this day, and luckily she only had to wait for 6 days to be baptized, which was actually Our 12th wedding Anniversary.  I can't think of a better way to spend that day.

 Prior to her baptism we had talked a lot about the priesthood and the blessings that come from it and how the Holy Ghost is a gift to us.  I also wanted all of our kids to realize how blessed they are to have a father who honors that priesthood and, because if that, is able to baptize them and perform blessings when needed. 
 Emma made such a great choice to be baptized and is so grateful that she did.  That day she told me it was the best day of her life, one that she will never forget.  She is such a blessing in our family and we love her so much.
 I was excited to get some pictures of her in her baptism dress, she on the other hand was not excited.  This is how it went... I told her that we would only take a few pictures, she agreed to one,  I said 20 she said 2... anyway when we got ready was was giving me a very sad face, until i put the camera to my eye then it was a cheesy smile, but as soon as the camera left my eye in was a sad face again.  That is how it was the entire time.
 She was fine with the pictures that didn't have her face in them, because she wasn't in the 'mood', silly girl.

 This one was fine, she looked at me and said, "I am actually reading, you know".  That is one thing about this girl she loves to read.  She has been reading her scriptures every night since she got them.  I know that she uses it as an excuse to stay up later, but how can you refuse when she says she needs to read her scriptures?
We love this girl and are so happy with the decision that she made to be baptized.

These are just a few pictures from the luncheon that we had afterwards.  We are so blessed to have such great families that are so supportive of us and our children.  It was a wonderful day.  Afterwards I asked Emma if it was as wonderful as she had hoped.  She told me no.  When I asked what would have made it better she said, " nothing, it was even better than I thought it would be". As with most things pertaining to the Gospel, they usually are better than we think they will be.  Emma sure is excited to BELONG to the only true church, and we are excited for her.


Josie said...

What a wonderful day - she looks beautiful and you did a great decorating job, as usual. This makes Jake even more excited to follow in her footsteps!

Sarah Bogh said...

Oh what a sweet sweet girl!! We were so sad to not be able to be there but thought about her through out the day. She looks beautiful in her white dress and I am so glad she had such a great experience!! Emma was the first baby born into the family after Joe and I got married and I remember the first time I saw her thinking that she would always be just a little bit more special to me because she was the first Niece that I met as a newborn. Also because I LOVE her name and know she is deserving of such a great name. :) Please tell her we love her and are so happy for her!!

LC said...

Beautiful post in pictures and words! What a happy day!