Friday, December 2, 2011

18 Months

So this post is a few months late, but I feel bad that I haven't posted it sooner.  In October Allie turned 18 months old. I know crazy, but true.  Here are a few pictures that I took of our little cutie pie.

She is such a sweet girl.  At 18 months she is a little jabber jaw.  She will mimic any thing you say and will throw out new words all the time.  She understands everything as well.  She know what is  going on all the time.  She is still such a daddy's girls and I love it.  It is so funny to watch her follow Tom around and mimic his every move.  If he walks in a circle that is exactly what Allie does. She still only has 4 teeth 2 on top and 2 on the bottom.  A few more are tying to poke their way though, but for know it is nice to only have to care for those 4 little ones.  Her favorite toys are her piano and her baby.  She loves pancakes and grapes. She sleeps about 12 hours at night and takes a 2-3 hour nap every day.  She is still tiny, at her dr. appointment she was 16 pounds and 24 inches.  She loves it when the kids get home from school and will follow them around like she is as big as they are.  We are so glad to have this sweet baby in our family.


Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

She is so beautiful and so fun to be with. I love how she will always come to me.

Ryan and Amber said...

She is too beautiful!