Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Break 2011- Friday

The Easter holiday would not be complete without coloring eggs.We dug out the food coloring and vinegar and went to work.  In years past the kids would just grab and dunk and move on to the next one, not this time.  They would plan out what each egg was going to look like before they started.  It was so fun to see their creativity come through.  It was fun to to look at the carton and be able to pick out who made each egg because of the way it looked.

Emma was so excited to make an egg for Allie since this 
 was her first Easter.  Even though she is 1 she was born a few days after Easter and the holiday was so late this year. 

I love that these eggs were tiny pure white canvas' for the kids to create works of art, now we have to see if we can eat them all.  Egg sandwiches anyone?
 Later that day we made our way to Capitol Reef.  We were a little worried about the weather.  The clouds were threatening all day, but it ended up being a perfect day for hiking.  We hiked to Hickman Bridge and it was beautiful.

Last time we were here was about 5 years ago.  Tom was carrying Emma in the backpack while carrying Madison most of the way and I carried C.J. in the front carrier.
 Not this time, with the exception of Allie they hiked every step on their own and at times we had to tell them to slow down so we could catch up.  The bridge was gorgeous and Allie was perfectly content to ride in the backpack, in fact she didn't want to get out when the hike was over.

 The scenery was amazing.  After this outing we decided that we need to do this more often.  There are so many state and national parks in so close to us and we need to take advantage of that.
 There is nothing like spending time with the people you love surrounded by beauty.  I try to bask in and absorb these moments because I know too well that they are going to be gone in no time.
 If you haven't noticed the kids are growing like weeds, and when I see their socks peeking out under their pants and I can't keep them in shoes I am reminded that they are getting older. One day they will in fact leave me and I hope that I  have taught them all they need to know to stand on their own two feet with strength and confidence, and know that their mother and loves them no matter what.


The Belnaps said...

Nate and I keep saying we need to get out and see all the parks..I'm embarassed to say I have lived here my whole life and never been to Zions or Bryce so we are gonna make it a goal..loved the pics

Sarah Bogh said...

Such cute pictures Emily! I love that you went hiking in Capitol Reef!! There are so many great hikes down there! We have been hiking here lately and have loved it! Maybe next time we are up we will all have to go do the calf creek falls hike, your kids would LOVE that one!! There is a huge waterfall and pool of water at the end to play in. Your kids are growing up so fast, we do need to get together! Time just goes by too fast!! Thanks for your comment on my blog!

Ryan and Amber said...

Look at you and your cute little hiking family! I love capital reef and I hate that the last time I really hiked it was our second-grade field trip. So pathetic!