Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Morning

After staying up way to late on Christmas Eve we finally woke the kids up at 8:00 so see if santa had come. Two of the kids had to take a potty break before they made their way to the family room.

Allie was so tired she didn't know what to think. After a nap she absolutely loved the wrapping paper and bows.

Madison got and i-pod and fake glasses she had asked for and loved the drawing book that she was suprised with

C.J. was excited about everything that Santa brought for him. He must have been a good boy because he got everything he asked for and then some. My only question is why the heck are transformers so hard to transform. It was like a giant page of instructions to turn one into an airplane and when we finally got it done, he wanted it to be a guy again.

Emma got her Laine doll she asked for and was thrilled about it.

She was trying so hard to get the m&m out

Christmas P.J.'s 2010


Leslie Butler said...

I love it! They are all so cute. It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. And I know what you mean about the Transformers! Ethan got one that is a car and I don't think it will ever be a car again!

Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

What a great time. We can hardly wait for next year. You all look so good.