Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Madison is so lucky to have such great friends. There are so many cute girls her age so there is always someone around to have a good time with.

These top 2 pictures are of her and her friend Maddy. They have been friends since preschool. They are funny and crazy and so sweet. I wish that I would have had my video camera on our outing to the park they were doing a musical for all of us, it was hilarious. It would have made great blackmail when they are older.

This is another of her friends, Taylor. These two are constantly giggling when they are together. As you can see from the outfits they know how to make their own fun, and they are pretty cute even with pipe cleaner mustaches taped to their upper lips.

1 comment:

Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

Cute boys or I guess girls with mustaches. Still think you can black mail them with the mustache picts