Monday, February 1, 2010

18 months

We have spent the past few weeks getting ready to say goodbye to my parents as they prepared to go on their mission, today was the day. They entered the MTC this morning, and thanks to technology we have already heard from them and they are doing great. I had to put the above picture in so that I can use it as a reference to see how much our kids will change in 18 months.

This is a picture that I should have posted a while ago. This is the night they opened their call and the look on both of their faces says it all, I think if you could see the rest of us our expressions would have been very similar.

Last weekend we were able to attend the temple together. It was one of those rare special experiences that I will never forget. There is nothing like spending time in the temple with all of your siblings and your parents.
People keep telling me that 18 months will go by so fast, at this point it seems like a very long time, but I couldn't be happier for my parents, they are amazing people and I know the experiences they have will change them forever, what a blessing!

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