Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

On Saturday Lin's had a breakfast with the Easter Bunny. It was really fun for the kids. They served donuts and milk, along with activites such as face painting, crafts, and cookie frosting. It was really fun for the kids, they thought it was great until... the Easter Bunny came out. The girls were ok and thought that it would be fun to get a plastic egg and a picture with him (or maybe her it is still a debate at our house) C.J. on the other hand was not going to have any thing to do with THE BUNNY. As you can tell from the picture above he was not excited about that at all.

1 comment:

Sarah Bogh said...

how fun! i keep meaning to take Gracie to the mall where the easter bunny is down here to do the same thing but i just haven't done it yet. CJ is so funny, such a boy huh! he is so cute!