Friday, November 30, 2012


C.J. is seven, holy moly, how is he that old already? He had such a fun baseball party that included a homerun durby, sunflower seed spitting, hotdogs, and cracker jacks.  The best party was a huge room for all of these boys to run around in.  It was such a fun time!
Breakfast in bed included chocolate chip pancakes, C.J.'s favorite
He was so excited to get a flash rider for his Birthday.
Baseball cake and cupcakes, that he didn't even eat, he was to excited to try out his new toy.
He spent the rest of his day doing this...
G&G Thalman stopped by for a birthday visit, and of course grandpa had to try out the new toy
can you see Jake totally crashing this picture?  crazy dog
Happy birthday to my most favorite boy in the world,  We love you so much!

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