Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Disney Day 2

On day 2 we headed to California Adventure and went straight to Cars Land.  C.J. had been looking forward to this part the very most, and since the Racers line is always long Tom took the 3 big kids and went there first.
Cars land did not disappoint, it was just like walking into the movie.  I am always so amazed at all of the details that Disnay puts into everything.  It was so much fun.  There was always a show or a 'car' driving around it was wonderful.
Even Stanley was there.  I wish I would have taken more pictures of everything...
After riding the rides in cars land we headed over the Screamin' where Madison had to make the agonizing decision to ride it or not.
In the end she chose to ride it and proceded to ride it 6 times, it was by far her favorite ride.
During that time these three rode on the carousel over and over, they loved it.
We met up with cousins and went on Grizzley River Rapids, it was a nice escape from the heat of the day, some got soaked and others just sprinkled.

We watched a parade, went on Tower of Terror and had our fill of Bugs Land and then had to go on the Monsters Inc. ride. This ride is a tribute to Maidson, that was her favorite movie when she was little, you know the one that has to be on at all times even is they aren't watching it.  We then headed to Goofy's kitchen for dinner.
It was so much fun and the food was great. 
Pluto and Alladin

Minnie and Cinderella all visited us at dinner.
This is the look that Allie gave each and everyone of them.

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