Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where did September go?

I have no idea what happened to September now it is October and Halloween is oozing from our house and the kids are so excited about the coming holiday, now if they could only decide, for sure, what they want to dress as it would make it a lot easier for me.  Here are just a few things that happened in September...I
 Allie's hair is finally long enough for two pig tails, if probably has been for a while now, but in my mind she is still a baby and babies don't put their hair in pig tails, but she is almost 18 months now, that is considered a toddler, and as much as I hate to admit it she is growing up.
 I think her hair looks darling this way but it definitely makes her look older!

 Madison danced at a JV football game.  It was a dance she had learned this summer.  She told me she didn't remember it at all.  They had 2 practices and performed at the game.  Madison did a really good job and still loves dancing.  The picture above is of her and 2 of her 3 cousins that are in the dace group, how fun is that?
This was the ending pose and she actually looked at me.  What a beautiful girl, she too is growing up way to fast.

C.J. and Allie are my little buddies while the big girls are at school.  Allie takes a nap in the afternoon and C.J. gets totally bored.  One day after he got home from school we went to the store and he begged for some Hostess cupcakes.  After we got home he and Allie each needed their own. Just as I had told him the cupcakes weren't that great and I think that each of them only at the cream filling.

Allie loves to follow C.J. around when he gets home from school.  This is just one of the many times I have found her mimicking his every move. Most of the time he is happy to oblige and will even give her a pen or a marker. Now if only he was willing to help me clean the pen marks off the chair that would be great.
So September is over and October is in full swing.  I am just trying hold on and enjoy the ride because life moves way to fast, but we love it!
p.s.  Emma is not in any of these pictures because she refused to have her picture taken, and even ended up in tears over that fact that I took her picture:1, she attitude has changed for the moment and I have some new pics to share soon.

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