Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Cookies

It seems like with every holiday we run out of time to do all the things we want to fit in.  At Halloween sugar cookies sometimes get passed up, but not this year, we made them early.  The kids had a great time, each posing with their masterpiece.  They are such creative kids, I love it.  Emma is showcasing her wedding cake cookie, while C.J. is showing off his pumpkin with triangle eyes and toothy smile.
 Madison's favorite was her Mad Eye Moody cookie she made.  She has been reading the Harry Potter books and is on number 5.  She loves them all.
 Allie, well she just kept eating the icing.  I frosted her a cookie and she licked off all the icing and then i frosted the same cookie again and she cleaned it off again.  I am not sure how many times that happened, but she was on a sugar high before she crashed hard at bed time.
Sugar cookies are a part of Halloween that we need to remember every year, especially since I found an awesome recipe, they are so good!


Katie Jane said...

Cute. I am loving the spider webs. Very nice. They look like real fun!

Ryan and Amber said...

Adorable Cookies and more adorable Chilluns... Happy Halloween!