Monday, May 24, 2010


C.J. graduated from preschool, well for this year, he will go back next year too, but it was a fun time. This is Mrs. Pace his teacher, he thinks she is great. She was also Emma's preschool teacher and we are so glad that she will be teaching C.J. again next year.

He got to graduate with one of his best friends and cousin Caleb. These boys have so much fun together. I love to watch them play Mario Cart on the Wii. At times they will just spin the cars in circles and just laugh, it is hilarious. Boys are such fun!

It was so funny to watch C.J. sing the songs at graduation. Most of the time he just stood there and watched everyone and when his teacher would encourage them to sing louder he would make very dramatic mouth movements and facial expressions, but the volume would stay the same. It was fun to see how much he had learned, but this boy is ready for summer, because if you ask him there is never enough time to play. 5-19-10

1 comment:

Katie Jane said...

I am laughing right now. They really were so cute and Caleb LOVES C.J. Your parents emailed us wanting to know what kind of baby we're getting, and mentioned you had some pics up. You are always so on top of things! Glad I stopped by!