Sunday, May 24, 2009


This month has been so crazy, it has been fun a stressful at the same time, but all good.So here are some of the many highlights...
The elementary school had as storytelling festival, it was so much fun. There were different story areas like fairytales, western, foreign lands, there was also a professional story teller. We listened to stories and made crafts add cotton candy and face painting to the mix and what can be better.
We have had some nice weather so we spent the afternoon at the park. C.J. had so much fun on the slide and climbing around the jungle gym. It was good for him to burn off some of his energy. I just can't wait until the weather is nice all the time.

Madison started softball, she is playing coach pitch again this year. These are some pictures from her game. It is so much fun to watch her play. The games at this age are so funny, most of the time the girls don't know where to throw the ball but it is fun to see them get better as the games progress. Madison made some good plays while she was playing 3rd, it was fun to see her be so excited about her accomplishments.

Emma graduated from Preschool! She was so cute. The kids all sang songs and talked about what they had learned. She has made some friends at school and is very excited to go to Kindergarten in the fall. Emma has really learned a lot this year. She now knows all of her upper and lower case letters as well as the 33 sounds that the letters make. She is also reading and catching on really quickly. She can write her numbers from 0-9 and can count to 40. She is so smart and she loves school. I just hope that when kindergarten starts we can get her out of bed and to school by 8 o'clock.

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