Monday, March 10, 2008

SLC Temple.

When we went to SLC we also went to Temple Square. Here are some pictures of the kids by the Temple. (sorry it looks like the temple is tipping over, I was trying to get a good picture, but the kids didn't cooperate very well, and there were a bunch of people waiting to walk in between us, so this is the best one i was able to get) I loved taking the kids there. When we went in the visitors center and walked up where the statue of the Savior stands the were all in awe and very reverent, for a minute anyway. the spirit is amazing and I could see that it had touched them even if it was for just a moment. We then headed back out the the temple grounds so that C.J. could run around. There were flowers blooming and people getting married it was a lot of fun!


Jamie said...

All those pictures are so cute and fun. Tell Madison great job on her art work... Grandpa would be proud! That is so cool how they can do x-rays like that now. Technology is an awesome thing. So yah I use adobe for eerything I do cuz it's the only thing that I have and know how to use. If you ever print that cute temple picture I could show you how to straighten it out with the push of a button. I might be coming up there this next weekend so remind me. I learn new things all of the time with that program... it can do so many things. Well talk to you later.

Sarah Bogh said...

Hey Emily, i really don't think that time is even moving this week! i am so ready for this to be over!! :) anyway, i asked kallie how to set up appointments and she said you could leave a comment on his Studio blog or email him but she didn't have his email right then so when i get it i will give it to you. he really is awesome, he also said that if you want more time he will do an hour for $100 with the same deal so i think this is an awesome deal!! anyway, i'll let you know more when i get more info.

Sarah Bogh said...

Hey Emily,
so i got his email address and i guess that is how he will set up the appointments for the pics, it is another thing is that if you get three other people to come do it he will do yours for free so if you have anyone else interested you could bring them a long. :)