Sunday, March 9, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Cooper

These are some pictures of Grandma and Grandpa Coopers headstone in Salt Lake City. I think this is the first time that I have seen their headstone. It is beautiful. We went up to Salt Lake on Friday because Emma had a Dr.'s appointment and we decided to go see their headstone. I was so amazed at the spirit that I felt in the cemetery. We were in the middle of such a large city in a huge cemetery, but it was so quite and peaceful. It was amazing. It reminded me of the spirit that grandma always had with her. She was such an amazing person and I am so glad that I, along with my family, got to live so close to her for as long as I can remember. I never knew Grandpa in this life, but I always felt a small connection because we shared the same birthday. I am so glad that I finally got to see their headstone and feel of the spirit that surrounds it.


Katie Jane said...

We were in Salt Lake this weekend too. Maybe we should have set up a time to meet since we don't hardly see each other here in Richfield!

Leslie Butler said...

That is so neat. I'm so glad that you took pictures. I have never seen their headstone either. Its beautiful just like Grandma.