Saturday, February 16, 2008


Sorry, there are a ton of pictures with this post, I just got so many good ones that I had to put a lot of them on. Last Saturday (2-9-08) The Thalman family went tubing. We had so much fun. The weather was perfect, even warm, most of us ended up taking our coats off and we all got sunburned. The kids loved it, that includes Tom. He was the one that I was worried about. He was making jumps to go over and all that crazy stuff. We got away with very few injuries and no broken bones, so I was happy.

1 comment:

Leslie Butler said...

We had so much fun that day. What cute pictures. And your scrapbook pages!! Are you kidding me! They are the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I am not joking. If only that amazing talent would run in the family. I love them. You need to give me lessons!!