Friday, September 2, 2011

Back to School

Normally when it is time to go back to school I am totally ready for  it, not this year. I LOVE having my kids home for the summer.  I wish that I could keep them home all the time, but I just don't see the home schooling thing working for us, plus they love school so much it would be awful for them not to go back, so with a tear in my eye I sent them on their way.
Madison has wanted to go back to school since summer break began.  She was excited for her new teacher and the fact the most of her really good friends were going to be in her class.  She loves being in 5th grade and being the oldest in the school.  Even now over a week in she is still giddy as she get ready in the morning.  She rides her bike to school with a goup of kids from our neighborhood.
Her favorite part of school is everything! She loves to read and do math worksheets, art and P.E. lunch and recess are always fun. I am glad that she loves school and does so well.
Emma is in 2nd grade this year and was as equally excited to get back as Madison was.  She also has a great teacher this year.  As far as friends in her class she didn't know many of the kids, nor did I.  It is wierd because when you live in a small town you think you know everyone, where do these kids come from? But she has been so excited to be in the same class as her cousin Jacob.  She sits in the front of the room, and Jake sits in the back, which is probably a good thing, but at recess they always play together.  She said that mostly they play on the equipment, or look for bugs.  Fits Emma perfectly.
Standing in front of her school.
Sisters on the fisrt day.  Note Emmas outfit.  you know when you take you kids shopping and you kind of cringe at the things they pick out i.e. this zebra shirt.  Well it was only 4 dollars so I bought it for her, but never dreamed that she would HAVE to wear it the first day, but what do you do when you child looks at you with those big blue eyes and says "but it's my favorite"? you cave and they wear it to school.

C.J. my kindergarten baby, seriously!? I have to say that him going to school has been really hard on me.  He has been my little buddy for so long, I feel lost without him at times, but he too was excited for school.  He has a great teacher and some fun friends in his class and his cousin Caleb is in the class right next door so he can always find him to play with at recess.

Best buddies on C.J.'s first day of school.

This is his spot at the table.  His teacher told him that he was lucky that he only had two letters in his name, much faster to write it I guess.When I got home after droping him off at school and I had tears running down my cheeks Tom said "are you crying, is everyone ok" I told him everying was fine, just that I would miss my little buddy.  He said "it's ok there is another one upstairs." Yes, Allie was still asleep up in her room, and I am so glad to have her, but ther is something special about a mom anda realtionship with her son that I am going to miss while he is at school, becasue I know that I will turn around and he will be in 5th grade.

C.J. wouldn't let me pick him up from school the first day, he had to ride the bus.  He loved the bus of course and was just mad that I didn't bring his bike for him to ride home from the bus stop.  He was excited to go back the next day and told me that his teacher told them that she has the best class in the whole school, and who am I to argue with that.
So welcome back to school, so far so good!


Leslie Butler said...

They are so stinkin cute! They are just getting big too fast. I'm so glad that they are all loving school!

LC said...

Cutest first-day photos ever!!!

I was sad to send the kids too and even sadder to think about sending my little Bud--
You're right there is something special about those little guy pals. At least I've got him for a couple more years.

Kate loves her teacher and her class this year--so glad she has good friends in there:)

robbfk said...
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Brigg and Dianne said...

Okay, you don't know me, but I clicked on the "next blog" link at the top of my blog (just kind of randomly) and it sent me to this one. I started scrolling down and noticed things that looked familiar. Your temple picture, Richfield, and the name Thalman. My husband is Brigg Owens, and his aunt is Laurie Thalman and he is cousins to Cade and Landon Thalman. I wondered if you were related. If you are, totally small world!!! Anyway, you have a very cute family, and a cute blog! P.S. Sorry if I freaked you out, it's always scary to get a message from someone who says, "I've been looking at pictures of your family". Anyway, have a great day!