Monday, August 15, 2011

Yellowstone- Day1 Bear World

At the end of July we took a trip to Yellowstone.  We started our trip with a stop at Bear World.  You drive through a caged area that if full of different animals, bison, elk, dear, moose, and of course bears.  I was sure that this would be the closest we would get to the animals on our vacation, that was not the case, more on that to come. 
 As you drive through the park there are signs that tell you to keep the windows up,I may or may not have broken the rules, our windows were just to blurry to get good pictures.
 This albino elk was pretty amazing to see in real life, I was surprised at how big it really was.  Madison's comment was that he must be smart "because he was in the shade hangin' with the ladies"
 The bears were amazing as well.  I did keep the windows up as we passed them, I scare me a little bit, and the fact that someone had been killed by a bear in Yellowstone just a few weeks before our trip didn't help my fear.  There were a lot of bears to look at, most of them were just laying around, but this one was just walking down the paved path.
 The kiddie rides at Bear World were fun for the kids.  Think small carnival type rides.  It was great because they could just run from one ride to another, our kids were the perfect ages for these rides.

 Our four baby bears.
 There was also a petting zoo that the kids loved. The tiny fawn was so cute.
 This goat had the right idea, he knew just where the food came from, and had the waist line to prove it.
 Emma sat by this deer for a while petting her, she hardly moved, Emma loved it.
 The boys enjoyed feeding the deer
 and the girls the goat with horns, they wished they had a tin can to see if the goat would eat it.
Bear World was fun, now off to the cabin and more adventures in Yellowstone!

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