Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today is the Day!

It has been 18 months and grandma and grandpa are coming home TODAY! we are so excited.  Madison told me that it is like a million Christmas' all in one day, and she is exactly right.  The kids made a countdown chain a few weeks ago with a picture of them at the top.  The kids each take their turn to rip off a link.  It has been so fun to see it get shorter and shorter.  Having my parents on a mission has been a wonderful experience for all of us.  I know our family has learned and grown so much since they have been gone.  We have been so blessed because of their willingness to serve.  I am excited to talk to them and hug them and have them live close to us again.  But I am most excited for them to meet our sweet little Allie.  In the 18 months since they left 5 new grandchildren have been born for a total of 20.  It is such an exciting day and we can't wait to see them!

1 comment:

Sarah Bogh said...

Hooray! We are so excited for you guys!!