Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dance, baby dance

The girls had their dance recital the end of May. They did such a great job. It was so fun to watch them dance up on the stage with smiles on their faces and so much personality. They each did tap and ballet dances. Madison danced to zippity-do-da, Lion King, I wanna be a rockett, and Mulan. Emma danced to 5 Positions and Baby Face. It was great to see Emma up there jumping and tapping, at one point I thought that dancing might not be a option for her, but she loves it and enjoys it so much.


Sarah Bogh said...

Good Job Ladies!! You look so pretty in your costumes! I wish i could have seen you perform!

Leslie Butler said...

Such cute girls! I'm so sad that I missed it! It looks like you guys had fun on your trip. How nice to have a little break!

Jessica said...

Your girls are adorable and so talented. I am glad that Emma can dance what a blessing. I bet you girls did great!!!