Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a boy!

Here are a few pictures of C.J. the first is a picture of him in Las Vegas we were swimming obviously, he found these goggles, I am not sure who's they are, but he adopted them. He wore them most of the afternoon, He defiantly has his fathers sense of style.
This bottom picture was taken after C.J. fell off of a bar stool and smacked this face on the counter. Amazingly enough by the next day he only had a small bruise on the side of his face and a scratch on his chin... good thing he is tough. He sure didn't learn his lesson though because a few days later her was standing on the bar stool again an fell off... how many times does it take before they learn?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That is a gnarly bump. Aren't we glad boys are tough? Your updates are awesome. Love the swimming photos (especially the goggles.)