Monday, August 4, 2008

Our new project

Well I have to say that it has been way to long since I have updated our blog. It has been kind of crazy for us lately. We sold our house out of the blue. We had some people knock on our door and pretty much asked us if they could buy our house, we made a deal, and less than a month later we were moved out and they had moved it, it has been such a whirlwind, but i just keep trying to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. We have started building our new home just one block north of this one, we hope to be in around November or December. Right now we are living with my parents, they have been so great to take us and our stuff along with three kids. It is kind of crazy, but an adventure at the same time! I guess this is just part of life when you are married to a builder!
The top picture is of our new house. It is getting framed pretty quick, so we are glad about that the sooner the better like I said before!

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