Thursday, January 17, 2008


WOW! I can't believe that it is 2008, where does the time go? Man that really made me sound old... Well I guess that it is time that our family got with the times and started out own blog. I have been meaning to do this for a long time now, so here it it TA DA. Anyway the real reason that I want to do this is so that I can remember all the things that I forget. Time goes by so fast and there are so many things things that I want to remember about my kids, but I never will unless I write it down. So really this is for me, because unfortunately I can't remember everything. I figure if I blog every week about our family and what we are doing then I will have a more permanent record of what our life is like. So here it is...

1 comment:

Brett said...

Some good lookin kids you got there emily! Hope you guys are havin fun in good ole richfield, we sure miss and love you guys.