Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Richfield Parade

Monday Morning was the big shin-dig in Richfield

The kids were excited about the parade as usual

Garb was excited too, he just wasn't too sure he wanted his picture taken

Thanks to Uncle Trevor both these two each got a soccer ball

Tom built the cake on this float, it was the best float in the whole darn parade. The float is for the town of Annabella, they are celebrating 100 years.

Our annual train ride at the park

Our new friend bubbles the frog, the kids are excited to have a new pet and are taking good care of him, or her or it (the gender is still up for debate). It is an African Dart Frog C.J. calls it a Magical Dog Frog and he loves it!


Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

We wish we had a pet like you. All's we have are spiders and crickets and we can never catch them they are so quick. We also have a lot chickens who are personal friends.

Brett said...

Tom looks so happy riding that train...