Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bogh Reunion

We spent the afternoon at Fish Lake for the Bogh Family Reunion, not just Tom's family, but all the Bogh's. It was fun, we didn't know a lot of people but we had a good time.

This is cousin Kelsey holding Allie

Cousin Kyle holding Allie (This is proof that she does like him) When we were at there house last month she would cry every time he held her.

There are the goods from the auction. Th mug that Madison is holding was found online. It stands for Go Big or Go Home, but to us it says GO BOGH! pretty fun

The kids bidding at the auction they had a lot of fun, even if we didn't win the fishing boat, thats right I said fishing boat. It was a remote controlled boat that had a hook and line on one end.

Tom and the kids enjoying the outdoors.

Tom, Allie. Madison, Grandpa and Grandma Bogh.

Cousin Kolby and Madison acting silly as usual.
It was a fun afternoon and I can't wait to go back up there and enjoy it some more.

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