Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yellowstone Day-2

We started our first day in Yellowstone at the famous Old Faithful Geyser.

Watching hot water spewing out of a hole in the ground was pretty neat, and the fact that they can predict it is amazing to me, because it is different everyday and season of the year.

We had to wait for a while so we tried to find things to keep us entertained. This is most of the kids sitting, waiting patiently.
After a few minutes boredom set in and there was a lot of this going on..

and making a duck face out of Pringles is always entertaining.
We sat and watched the water shoot high into the air, just as was predicted.
After watching Old Faithful we walked around the area to look at all the different geysers and pools of water.  Here are just a few of them.  They were warm and stinky, but amazing too.

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