Monday, March 7, 2011

11 months

The older kids were so excited to realize that it is only a month until Allie's first birthday, and I just wanted to cry.  I seriously don't know how she is this old.  We have so much fun with this sweet baby.
She is crawling all over and is constantly getting into things.  She is pulling up to everything and has taken some pretty good tumbles.
She loves to be around her brother and sisters
 and sometimes they drive her crazy.  The older kids are great at helping to pull stuff out of her mouth and keep her out of trouble, I think she feels like they take the fun away, better them than me I guess
We have also been rockin' neon green around our house.  I made these leggings for Allie to go with a pink dress she has, and when Emma found these shoes she had to have them.  they were in her favorite color and her size, it was ment to be.  These shoes practically glow in the dark and according to Emma they match everything!?..


Josie said...

I can't believe how fast it has gone by either! She is still so stinkin' cute! And, what cute chubby cheeks - I don't remember those on your other kids. Love the pants, you will have to teach me how to make them!

Jamie said...

Great job on the leggings... I should have you make my girls some! Wow I can't believe she is already one month away from being one either! Crazy how time goes by.

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing style.Please keep on working hard.^^