Friday, January 7, 2011

9 months

She has officially been in our home for more time than I was pregnant and we don't know what we would do without her. Here are just a few pictures to freeze this fleeting moment in time.

Ok so maybe this is more than a few, but I could have posted all 47 that I took, I had to be picky.
at 9 months Allie...
- is so close to crawling it is scary, time for outlet covers and cabinet locks
- is calm and easy going
- is constantly entertained by her brother and sisters
- loves to eat everything especially things off the floor, I need to vacuum more often
- waves bye-bye
- says mama and dada
- is so sweet we could just eat her up
Happy 9 months Allie


KT Robinson said...

You are an amazing photographer! Next time I'm in Richfield can I schedule a sitting with my kids?! She's beautiful, you're a great mom. Katie (Lyman)

Sarah Bogh said...

Your pics are getting better and better, you are so good! She is so very adorable, I want to see her again! Crazy how fast 9 months goes when you're not prego!!

Ashley Thalman said...

These are SUCH great pics. I really struggle to take good pics of babies pre-sitting. You?
I'll be you are happy she is sitting.

I haven't seen you foreves.

Leslie Butler said...

Those pictures are absolutely adorable! She is so sweet. I really can't believe she is nine months old. I just love her to pieces!

Cambodia is an amazing experience said...

It sure has gone fast for us too, but we surely want to hug her. She is just adorable and growing so fast. Love you Allie.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't sleep and googled my maiden name, Bogh, and came across your blog. I thought I was reading my cousin's blog, then realized her last name is no longer Bogh. Just wondering where you guys live and if we may be related. We are decendents of Hans Christian Bogh. Just curious, I'm not a stalker, I promise. We live in Southern California and there are over 100 of us. Most are LDS. My email is if you are interested in chatting about it.

Katie Jane said...

SO CUTE! I love the light in these! She is such a darling.

Jamie said...

All your pictures look fabulous! I love catching up on everything... thank goodness for blogs... right! Sad for Emma I hope she gets feeling better soon. All of your kids are so stinkin cute! I can't believe Allie is already 9 months... but I do the same thing with Karson and I see him every day. I think Im just getting old!