Friday, December 10, 2010

8 Months

That's right she is 8 months old and as cute as can be.

We celebrated by letting her play in her oatmeal, I thought she would love it, and she did

problem is that it came back to bite me, now she wants to play in her food every time I feed her, silly baby!
At eight months-
-still loves her binkie and blanket
-dances ALL the time
-sits by herself
-move objects from one hand to another
-throws things on the floor to hear the noise they make
-waves goodbye and gives fives
-loves to eat everything especially when dad gives her chocolate covered pretzels
-still thinks her dad is the best thing in the world
We love you little sugar baby.

1 comment:

Katie Jane said...

So so fun to catch up on your blog. Isn't it still Halloween? Christmas? WHA? Your kids are darling