Sunday, November 7, 2010

7 months

That's right I said seven months. Crazy how you blink and time goes by.

Allie's Stats at 7 months
13 pounds 8 ounces 4th percentile
25 1/2 inches long 22nd percentile

She is still such a sweet baby
She loves her binky and her blanket
She loves to dance and will sing her own music
She talks all the time and can be very loud
She is still a daddy's girl
She has a sweet personality with a bit of spunk thrown in
We love you Allie!


Ryan and Amber said...

Oh My I could eat her! She is SOOO dang tasty! And I have a sweet little boyfriend up here for her when she reaches the ripe old age of 30! :)

Sarah Bogh said...

Wow! time really does fly! it seems like every day you are posting that she is another month older! She is so adorable! Great pics too!