Sunday, January 17, 2010

10 years = 5 259 487.66 minutes

315 569 260 seconds

5 259 487.66 minutes

87 658.1277 hours

Each of these equal 10 years, that is the amount of time that Tom and I have been married and again times flies. Who knew that I would love him more that I did ten years ago? I surely do. There are so many thing that have made me love him even more, the person who makes me laugh everyday, who supports me now matter how crazy I sound, who know exactly how I feel about my kids and loves them the same way I do, who has always been there through the hard times and the good, and will be my best friend through eternity. Here's to 10 more, Happy Anniversary Tom, I love you!


Sarah Bogh said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great post Emily, you guys are such a great family and you and Tom are good examples of how to treat each other and make a marriage good. That is one of many reasons I like to be around you guys is because it makes me want to be better at making my marriage and my family stronger and more loving. I hope you guys had a great anniversary!

Jamie said...

Wow congrats! I can't believe it has been that long. I still remember when he got you your ring. I remember thinking that it was so pretty! I hope everything continues to go well. Oh and seriously next time you come up let me know and you can pick up the PS. Im not sure when I will be back that way.

Katie Jane said...

Congrats, guys! 10 years is an exciting one!

Katie Jane said...
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Katie Jane said...

Oh, yeah, and I love Tom's cheesy grin. Really, though, when is he NOT looking like that?

The Belnaps said...

Congrats on 10 years! Crazy how time flies..hey is it ok if I add you to my blog?